Tuesday, 27 February 2007

I spoke to payplan today for advice. I feel like I am talking to the samaritans, sorry guys at payplan but you are keeping me sane. I think I should be charging them for the praise I am giving them. Hey that would earn me extra cash.
Apologies for the last posting I did. I was just feeling so depressed. But heyho another day another dollar as they say. I don't know who "they" are but what the heck. More creditors refusing the offers but until I win the lottery they will have to wait.
I have an idea for earning extra cash but not sure it will work. I will investigate more and keep you informed. Anybody out there with similar problems or any good ideas please feel free to post a comment. Cheers speak soon

Monday, 26 February 2007

on the immediate edge

My marriage is on the edge with all this debt. If only an immediate result could happen. I think writing this blog is the only thing stopping me fom jumping off the edge.Today one of the creditors MBNA rejected the offer. It is too late to contact Payplan to see what happens now. I suppose another sleepless night is in order. I wish I was fit enough to get a job anything to bring more cash into the house. Well not to worry tomorrow may be a better day, here's hoping.

Thursday, 22 February 2007

Payplan sorted our debts

Don't let your debts worry you so much was the kind advice the man from Payplan said today.They have sorted the debts, in so much as they have made offers to the creditors. Now we wait. What happens if the creditors refuse.If only I could win the lottery.Every day is a nightmare. It seems that a lot of the credit card people have passed the debt on to debt collecting agencies. I suppose that means more knocks at the door.

Tuesday, 20 February 2007

debt collector at the door

Well Monday morning blues. Got up and as soon as I opened my eyes thought of debts and was literally sick. Payplan keep trying to make me feel better but still don't know if creditors have accepted payments offered. Bang Bang went the door it was a large and intimidating man. I want some money was his first words. I dont know if legally I can name the creditor so at this point I won't. They have been told several times about payplan but keep harrassing us. Amazingly the debt collector was very pleasant and took the details and then wished us good luck. What a surprise a nice man.But would you believe within 1 hour of him leaving the credit card company was harrassing us on the phone again despite they knew the debt collector had just left. Thank goodness national debtline and payplan have informed us of the legalities.

Sunday, 18 February 2007

Monday morning blues

Sunday evening and the build up has already started. Somehow over the weekend we can almost forget about the debts, but as Monday nears the worrying starts again. Watching the news on all the hardship in the world, there are people out there in a much worst state than we are but that doesn't really help. I was on a life support machine four years ago and the family were told I had no chance of survival, but I did. After that we all said "oh it puts things into perspective" Well it did for a short while but there again we weren't in debt then. I think it was the near death experience that made me start to spend. Sorry I digress, I will be contacting Payplan tomorrow to see if they have heard anything from any of the creditors I will keep you informed.

Thursday, 15 February 2007

Phone calls not as bad

It seems that Payplan have contacted some of the creditors because some of the phone calls have stopped. Not all of them but at least now I am not getting (I think one day36 messages) constant calls, I am even daring to put the phone back on the hook.Still don't know whether the creditors have accepted the offer yet but should hear soon.If they refuse I don't know what happens then. I had a long chat with a guy at payplan who really tried to put my mind at ease but hey its not that easy to stop worrying. I really hope they cannot force us to sell the house.I am in the process of trying to claim all my bank charges back from Abbey over 6 years its nearly 2 thousand pounds, that should help clear some of the overdraft. A really good site to go on is www.moneysavingexpert.com He appears on the Jeremy Vine show on Radio 2 and has some really good money saving tips. It was through listening to him that I found out about being able to claim back bank charges.

Monday, 12 February 2007

How to pay the creditors

Well it looks like it will take us 57 years to pay the debt off. We will both be dead by then. There is no guarantee the creditors will accept what payplan offer. We should be hearing from them in the next week or so. Fingers crossed something gets sorted. As soon as anything develops I will add a new post.

Monday, 5 February 2007

debts are ruining my life

Still can't sleep worrying about the mountain debts. Payplan still sorting things out. The phone calls are easing a bit most of the creditors when you give them a ref no of payplan are ok. Its the debt collection agencies who are quite aggressive on the phone and demand payment there and then. I had a confrontaqtion with one last night who was insistant I paid them something. It must be awful if you are timid or even an elderley person they would be quite frightened of the tactics they use. I wonder if I can name and shame them on this blog.

Friday, 2 February 2007

Can we sort the debts out

We talked to payplan and they are setting something up for us. I don't know if the creditors will accept this but we can but hope. I wonder if we can sell the house and keep some of the equity or if we have to give it all to the creditors. I know the debt has to be paid but after paying so much to the house I would like something back. Maybe we should just sell up and do a runner. I know thats not sensible but my brain is so fuddled with allof this debt I can't think straight. Hopefully this payplan thing will at least stop the phone calls and threatning letters for a while. It should be up and running soon so I will keep you informed.