Monday, 12 March 2007

debt consolidation means debt relief

I am not sure if using payplan is the same as debt cosolidation. Will we ever get debt relief by doing it this way. Everyone talks of National Debt and it was on the news today that the 2 largest political parties were 2 million pounds each in debt. I wonder if they get all the harrassing phone calls. Every where I turn the news is about debt. Still its good to think I am not the only one. I havent been to well the last few days hence this post has been delayed. Some of the credit card companies have now accepted a reduced payment. some are accepting the payment but still charging interest. I can't see the point of them accepting £12 payment then charging £150 interest and £12 late payment charge. I am sure they shouldn't be able to do this. At this rate they will never be paid off. The good thing is the phone calls are down to about three a day oh the peace.I think this is the first Monday I have got up and not felt physically sick. Lets hope the week keeps going well.


Anonymous said...

i've been with payplan for 1 year, and i get very few phone calls, just the odd 1 to remind me, most debts are with the debt collectors and they haven't bothered me as they are easier to deal with. good luck. i've got 5 years left.

Ann said...

Thanks for your response its good to get some feedback.