Tuesday 20 February 2007

debt collector at the door

Well Monday morning blues. Got up and as soon as I opened my eyes thought of debts and was literally sick. Payplan keep trying to make me feel better but still don't know if creditors have accepted payments offered. Bang Bang went the door it was a large and intimidating man. I want some money was his first words. I dont know if legally I can name the creditor so at this point I won't. They have been told several times about payplan but keep harrassing us. Amazingly the debt collector was very pleasant and took the details and then wished us good luck. What a surprise a nice man.But would you believe within 1 hour of him leaving the credit card company was harrassing us on the phone again despite they knew the debt collector had just left. Thank goodness national debtline and payplan have informed us of the legalities.

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